Monday, December 29, 2008

Thoughts for a New Year

The still, silent night
is fading away
dawn is smiling

and promises day
a little tree yawns

and rustles its leaves
a gentle draught blows

and sweeps the streets
a lone highway truck

rumbles by
a trembling road

shudders and sighs
flaps in the wind

and chirps in the sky
the birds are waking up now
when will i


  1. Recycled Swan-song? :) It's nice this way too, only not as hard hitting.

    And yes, happy new year! :)

  2. Actually, this was the original :-) Swan-song happened when i was messing around with this one.

    A very happy new year to you too!

  3. Yeah! I liked that version better too, kinda gory and twisted but yeah :P

  4. I know - it's a bit like bun-maskaa after biryani, but yeah :-)
